Tyler Mefford

PI: J. Tyler Mefford

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering, UCSB

Ph.D., Chemistry, The University of Texas at Austin (2016)
B.S., Chemistry, Minor in Materials Science & Engineering, Stanford University (2012)

Office: 3333 Engineering II
Contact: tmefford@ucsb.edu

Postdoctoral Researchers

Interested in a postdoctoral position in the group? Please contact Prof. Mefford with your CV, a statement about your expertise and research interests, and the contact information for three professional references.

Graduate Students

Ming-Pei Lin

Ming-Pei Lin

Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Student
B.S. Chemical Engineering
National Taiwan University

Project: OMIEC Electrocatalysts

Jaewon Lee

Jaewon Lee

Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Student
B.S. Chemical Engineering
Seoul National University

Project: eLOHCs for LDES

Bea Tremblay

Beatrice Tremblay

Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Student
B.S. Chemical Engineering
University of Virginia

Project: OMIEC Electrocatalysts

Manseong Song

Manseong Song

Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Student
B.E., M.S. Chemical Engineering
Dong-a University

Project: eLOHCs for LDES

Santiago Edinger

Santiago Edinger

Chemistry Ph.D. Student
B.S. Chemistry
UC Santa Cruz
M.S. Electrochemical Technologies
University of Oregon

Project: Direct Lithium Extraction

Undergraduate Student Researchers

Mikayla Walsh

Mikayla Walsh

2nd Year ChE Undergraduate
Project: OMIEC Electrocatalysts


Henry Northen

2nd Year ChE Undergraduate
Project: NH3 Oxidation Electrocatalysts

Ivan Zhao

Ivan Zhao

4th Year ChE Undergraduate
Project: eLOHCs for LDES