Highlighted Publications

Publications by Year:



• Wang, J.; Catalina, S.K.; Jiang, Z.;, Xu, X.; Zhou, Q.T.; Chueh, W.C.; Mefford, J.T. "A reversible four-electron Sn metal aqueous battery," Joule, 8, 1-11 (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.joule.2024.09.002



• Kang, M.; Bentley, C.L.; Mefford, J.T.; Chueh, W.C.; Unwin, P.R. "Multiscale Analysis of Electrocatalytic Particle Activities: Linking Nanoscale Measurements and Ensemble Behavior," ACS Nano, 17, 21493-21505 (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c06335

• De La Fuente Durán, A.; Liang, A.Y.-L.; Denti, I.; Yu, H.; Pearce, D.; Marks, A.; Penn, E.; Treiber, J.; Weaver, K.; Turaski, L.; Maria, I.P.;  Griggs, S.; Chen, X.; Salleo, A.; Chueh, W.C.; Nelson, J.; Giovanniti, A.; Mefford, J.T. "Origins of hydrogen peroxide selectivity during oxygen reduction on organic mixed ionic–electronic conducting polymers," Energy & Environmental Science, 16, 5409-5422 (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D3EE02102E.
 ► Selected as part of the [Energy & Environmental Science Recent HOT Articles] and [EES Symposium Collection]

Carlson, E.Z.; Chueh, W.C.; Mefford, J.T.; Bajdich, M., “Selectivity of Electrochemical Ion Insertion into Manganese Dioxide Polymorphs," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 1513-1524 (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c16589

Akbashev, A.R.; Roddatis, V.; Baeumer, C.; Liu, T.; Mefford, J.T.; Chueh, W.C., “Probing the Stability of SrIrO3 During Active Water Electrolysis via Operando Atomic Force Microscopy,” Energy & Environmental Science, 16, 513-522 (2023). DOI: 10.1039/D2EE03704A



Szumska, A.A.; Maria, I.P.; Flagg, L.Q.; Savva, A.; Surgailis, J.; Paulsen, B.D.; Moia, D.; Chen, X.; Griggs, S.; Mefford, J.T.; Inal, S.; Ginger, D.; Giovannitti, A.; Nelson, J., “Reversible electrochemical charging of n-type conjugated polymer electrodes in aqueous electrolytes,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143, 14795-14805 (2021). DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c06713

Baeumer, C.; Liang, A. Y.-L.; Trstenjak, U.; Lu, Q.; Waser, R.; Dittman, R.; Mefford, J.T.; Gunkel, F.; Nemšák, S.; Chueh, W.C. "Carbonate formation lowers the electrocatalytic activity of perovskite oxides for water electrolysis," Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9, 19940-19948 (2021). DOI: 10.1039/D1TA03205D

Mefford, J.T.; Akbashev, A.R.; Kang, M.; Bentley, C.L.; Gent, W.E.; Alsem, D.H.; Salmon, N.J.; Unwin, P.R.; Chueh, W.C. "Correlative operando microscopy of oxygen evolution electrocatalysts," Nature, 593, 67-73 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03454-x
  ► In the news: [Nature Energy] [Joule] [Advanced Light Source] [EurekAlert!] [SLAC]

Sood, A.; Poletayev, A.D.; Cogswell, D.A.; Csernica, P.; Mefford, J.T.; Fraggedakis, D.; Toney, M.F.; Linderberg, A.; Bazant, M.Z.; Chueh, W.C. "Electrochemical Ion Insertion From the Atomic to the Device Scale," Nature Reviews Materials, 6, 847-867 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41578-021-00314-y

Baeumer, C.; Li, J.; Lu, Q.; Liang, A. Y.-L.; Jin, L.; Perin Martins, H.; Duchon, T.; Gloss, M.; Gericke, S.; Wohlgemuth, M.A.; Giesen, M..; Penn, E.E.; Dittmann, R.; Gunkel, F.; Waser, R.; Bajdich, M.; Nemšák, S.; Mefford, J.T.; Chueh, W.C. "Tuning surface composition and transformation pathways in atomically-flat LaNiO3 thin films for enhanced water electrolysis," Nature Materials, 20, 674-682 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41563-020-00877-1
 ► In the news: [EurekAlert!] [ChemEurope] [Berkeley Lab] [SLAC]



• Gu, H.; Shi, G.; Chen, H.-S.; Xie, S.; Li, Y.; Li, J.; Tong, H.; Yang, C.; Zhu, C.; Mefford, J.T.; Xia, H.; Zhou, J.; Zhang, S.; Chueh, W.C.; Chen, H.; Zhang, L. "Strong catalyst-support interactions in electrochemical oxygen evolution on Ni-Fe layered double hydroxide," ACS Energy Letters, 5, 3185-3194 (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.0c01584

• Giovannitti, A.; Rashid, R.B.; Thiburce, Q.; Paulsen, B.D.; Cendra, C.; Thorley, K.; Moia, D.; Mefford, J.T.; Hanifi, D.; Weiyuan, D.; Moser, M.; Salleo, A.; Nelson, J.; McCulloch, I.; Rivnay, J. "Energetic Control of Redox-Active Polymers toward Safe Organic Bioelectronic Materials," Advanced Materials, 32, 1908047 (2020). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201908047

• Mefford, J.T.; Zhao, Z.; Bajdich, M.; Chueh, W.C. "Interpreting Tafel Behavior of Consecutive Electrochemical Reactions through Combined Thermodynamic and Steady State Microkinetic Approaches," Energy & Environmental Science, 13, 622-634 (2020). DOI: 10.1039/C9EE02697E



• Mefford, T.; Karki, K.; Alsem, D.H.; Shapiro, D.; Salmon, N.; Chueh, W.C. "Operando Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy of Co(OH)2 Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysts," Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, 324-325 (2019). DOI: 10.1017/S1431927619011206

• Mefford, J.T.; Akbashev, A.R.; Zhang, L.; Chueh, W.C. "Electrochemical Reactivity of Faceted β-Co(OH)2 Single Crystal Platelet Particles in Alkaline Electrolytes," The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123, 18783-18794 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b03589

• Mefford, J.T.; Kurilovich, A.A.; Saunders, J.; Hardin, W.G.; Abakumov, A.M.; Forslund, R.P.; Bonnefont, A.; Dai, S.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Decoupling the roles of carbon and metal oxides on the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen on La1-xSrxCoO3-δ perovskite composite electrodes," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 3327-3338 (2019). DOI: 10.1039/C8CP06268D

• Alexander, C.T.; Mefford, J.T.; Saunders, J.; Forslund, R.P.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Anion-Based Pseudocapacitance of the Perovskite Library La1-xSrxBO3-δ," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 5084-5094 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b19592

• Kirsanova, M.A.; Okatenko, V.D.; Aksvonov, D.A.; Forslund, R.P.; Mefford, J.T.; Stevenson, K.J.; Abakumov, A.M. "Bifunctional OER/ORR catalytic activity in the tetrahedral YBaCo4O7.3 oxide," Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 330-341 (2019). DOI: 10.1039/C8TA09862J



• Forslund, R.P.; Hardin, W.G.; Rong, X.; Abakumov, A.M.; Filimonov, D.; Alexander, C. T.; Mefford, J.T.; Iyer, H.; Kolpak, A.M.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Exceptional electrocatalytic oxygen evolution via tunable charge transfer interactions in La0.5Sr1.5Ni1-xFexO4±δ Ruddlesden-Popper oxides," Nature Communications, 9: 3150 (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05600-y

• Karki, K.; Mefford, J.T.; Alsem, D.H.; Salmon, N.; Chueh, W.C. "Replicating Bulk Electrochemistry in Liquid Cell Microscopy," Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24, 324-325 (2018). DOI: 10.1017/S1431927618002118

• Akbashev, A.R.; Zhang, L.; Mefford, J.T.; Park, J.; Butz, B.; Luftman, H.S.; Chueh, W.C.; Vojvodic, A. "Activation of Ultrathin SrTiO3 with Subsurface SrRuO3 for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction," Energy & Environmental Science, 11, 1762-1769 (2018). DOI: 10.1039/C8EE00210J



• Piburn, G.W.; Mefford, J.T.; Zinni, N.; Stevenson, K.J.; Humphrey, S.M. "Synthesis and charge storage properties of templated LaMnO3-SiO2 composite materials," Dalton Transactions, 46, 977-984 (2017). DOI: 10.1039/C6DT04665G



• Forslund, R.P.; Mefford, J.T.; Hardin, W.G.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Nanostructured LaNiO3 Perovskite Electrocatalyst for Enhanced Urea Oxidation," ACS Catalysis, 6, 5044-5051 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.6b00487

• Mefford, J.T.; Rong, X.; Abakumov, A.M.; Hardin, W.G.; Dai, S.; Kolpak, A. M.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Water electrolysis on La1-xSrxCoO3-δ perovskite electrocatalysts," Nature Communications, 7: 11053 (2016). DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11053
  ► In the news: [MIT News] [The Electrochemical Society]



• Hardin, W.G.; Mefford, J.T.; Slanac, D.; Patel, Bijal B.; Wang, X.; Dai, S.; Zhao, X.; Ruoff, Rodney S.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Tuning the Electrocatalytic Activity of Perovskites through Active Site Variation and Support Interactions," Chemistry of Materials, 26, 3368-3376 (2014). DOI: 10.1021/cm403785q

• Mefford, J.T.; Hardin, W.G.; Dai, S.; Johnston, K.P.; Stevenson, K.J. "Anion charge storage through oxygen intercalation in LaMnO3 perovskite pseudocapacitor electrodes," Nature Materials, 13, 726-732 (2014). DOI: 10.1038/nmat4000



• Wang, H.; Liang, Y.; Gong, M.; Li, Y.; Chang, W.; Mefford, T.; Zhou, J.; Wang, J.; Regier, T.; Wei, F.; Dai, H. "An ultrafast nickel-iron battery from strongly coupled inorganic nanoparticle/nanocarbon hybrid materials," Nature Communications, 3, 917-925 (2012). DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1921
  ► In the news: [EurekAlert!] [Los Angeles Times] [ScienceNews]

• Mefford, I.N.; Mefford, J.T.; Burris, C.A. "Improved Diabetes Control and Pancreatic Function in a Type 2 Diabetic after Omeprazole Administration," Case Reports in Endocrinology, 2012, 1-4 (2012). DOI: 10.1155/2012/468609